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Born For A Time Like This

Being hated by everyone for refusing to believe and submit to lies wouldn't suck that much if it didn't include one's own family. 

It sucks. It's hard. It hurts. 

And yet many of you simply can't imagine being any other way. 

Think about why that is, and embrace the suck.

Pride is an ugly, ugly sin. If you're like me, you absolutely hate it, especially when you see it in yourself. 

So allow me to tell you something that is NOT prideful, though the world will tell you that it is.

The Father conceived all of eternity with a single thought. It only took one. In that thought, he saw every person who would ever live, knew all the hairs on their heads, every choice they would make, every temptation they'd succumb to. 

He knew when to grant graces, and when to refuse them. He planned everything around each and every soul. Without interfering with our free will, he nudged, opened doors, closed them, allowed good to come from evil, all for the salvation of each soul, and to make sure that YOU were born when you were - for this time. For these events. 

But He didn't stop there. Like a Father allowing a toddler to skin his knee to learn to walk, He allowed you to suffer. He allowed you to gain empathy. He allowed you to survive pain that you never thought you'd survive. He may have allowed you to go to a very dark place. He did exactly what you needed to be refined & to learn to rely exclusively on Him. 

And He's allowing you to suffer still. The reasons for that are in other threads. 

The point is this:

It is NOT prideful to know as a matter of faith that you exist at this extraordinary time for a purpose. 

God is big enough to do that, and He did. 

Do not waste it.
