Guys, as someone who is perceived as having uncanny accuracy regarding world events, I have to share something: for me, social media has lost its value. If I've done any good, the benefits of continuing (currently) don't outweigh the cost to my soul. I was here to help, but even that desire can be vanity. I'm not making a dramatic exit, I don't think. But I am making an exit of sorts. I'll remain as a passive presence, commenting or liking here & there.
But, please remember, this endeavor began after I spent a few months (the 1st few), promoting Q & Trump. During that time I watched my previous acct go from 0 to big in a short time. At the time, I was much more adept at the Unitive Way than I have been this year (see pinned tweet).
So, something didn't sit well. I'll never forget one day in May 2018
... that was yet another point at which everything changed for me. I had been struggling with things I had been seeing globally, locally, & most importantly - spiritually. I couldn't resolve the facts (meaning the language of other statutes, budgets, executive orders, SCOTUS opinions, congressional records & the Constitution) against what was really happening, compared to what MAGA was pretending, & what libs were pretending to be outraged about. NOTHING made sense. This is partly true because I was taught in my graduate business program & then again later in law school that long lasting "conspiracies" become less & less possible the more people there are involved.
Clearly, these professors have never discovered Freemasonry or any military organization, & there's no need for the crime of "conspiracy to commit ___" to be on the books in every state. Whatever. We know that's a lie.
It's a big club, and you aren't in it.
That's only the groundwork for my point. Here's my point: Proverbs 10:19 - too much talk leads to sin, & we're constantly enticed to it.
Yes, I'm a man who spent several years talking almost exclusively to God. 24/7. The result was that I got abruptly disabused of much wrongthink during a very long prayer session on one day in May 2018. Call it a download, if you will. It was intense.
Believe me, it's true, and it's SUPER annoying.
As a result, I did what I did. I spent a couple years on 8 Chan preaching to Anons as penance to atone for my sin. Then I took 5 months off in silent prayer and came back, but on here, just before the synod - to pass on to you what I believed God wanted me to share.
That was good.
But now the returns are diminishing, and every time I speak I risk sinning - in thought, word, or deed.
I'm not the man I was from 2017 through 2019. I haven't been able to maintain the unitive way like I did them.
Everything I've talked about, almost, I learned during that one day in adoration in May of 2018. Everything I've been right about, at least.
That's not true anymore. I know what I know, but what I know has limits, and the rest is vanity and an invitation not only for sin, but to discredit whatever good I've managed accidentally to do for our Eternal Father.
Guys - if you only take one thing from everything I've ever said, please let it be this: when you're seeking the truth, if you don't begin MERCILESSLY with the truth about yourself, you simply don't stand a chance at figuring out the slightest thing. You'll be absolutely convinced you know what's going on, but be worse off than ever having tried. If you don't begin the process honestly attacking your own shortcomings, weaknesses, fears, insecurities, delusions, preconceptions, and SIN - absolutely and most especially PRIDE - then there is literally zero chance you will avoid significant deception. ZERO.
Unless you become like little children ...
I'm of course talking about myself, which I hope you've grown accustomed to, because I absolutely hate pride, especially my own.
Pride makes me want to keep talking. Pride makes me want to tell you what's coming. Pride makes me want to take credit for all the times I've been right.
That served a purpose when there were enough people left who were seeking the truth, even at the cost of their own pride.
That's now only rarely true, and every time I speak, I risk sinning when I should be seeking silence and unity with the Father.
I'm not a saint, but, God, I REALLY want to be.
So, I may joke around a bit here and there, or like your tweet. But I'm not really here, guys. I'm trying to live in the flesh. Please don't get upset if I don't respond to you. Chances are, I didn't see your reply or message.
As someone who has ignored the world (for years) to focus exclusively on unitive prayer, and then subsequently become re-emerged into the world at the cost of unitive prayer, and, for a while someone who found a balance between the two, let me tell you this:
Unless you're spending an equal amount of TIME and EFFORT talking to God every day as you do on social media, you're failing.
This is 100% true, and it's not an average. It's a daily count.
So please forgive me as I try to amend that problem.
One last thing, and it's something I'm sure to be mocked over, but it's true. I do really love you guys. I hope you you feel the same way about each other.
If you don't, just ask God for help to love Him more, and you soon will.