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#68 Remnant

From previous thread of JonahofNinevah:

It would be pretty smart of God to develop an army of indefatigable humble nobodies who, for years misplaced trust, and were betrayed and deceived by everybody they trusted to speak the truth - all while becoming refined, learning how to learn for themselves, and growing close to Him.

To develop a kernel. A remnant. A small section of humanity who know His voice, and who become brave and confident enough to tell someone who doesn’t speak with His voice to get the hell out of the way. 

To strip them. Teach them how to trust Him. Teach them how to cling to Him when they seem completely alone. When even the men they thought were heroes are revealed not to be, one by one. 

To teach them how to pray. To fast. To suffer, and to put him first. To let them feel alone and helpless, and to gain the confidence that comes from pushing through. 

And then to empower them and rock the world with them, and use them to save his children  and send Satan and his demons cowering in the face of those who had washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb.

It’d be just like God to do that. 

Hang in there.

Mar 3, 2020