whether openly or more cleverly, are focusing on a human solution to a problem that is unsolvable by humans at this point. No society in world history has ever come back from this level of debauchery & immorality. God will deal with us.
But, Satan loves the us/them thing. It makes us SO easy to control. All he has to do is slip a couple VERY convincing and sincere people into your side of the “v,” camp him out for years, and get him to slowly add a little leaven to the dough ... you trust him now, after all...
Trump, even if he were the man they want you to believe he is (by focusing on his words instead of facts) cannot save us from what we’ve wrought. Only God can. They’ll try to convince you that we have another 100 years or so. “Do your civic duty.” Help “save the country.”
Some of them are nefarious. Some of them are duped. Some of them have a bunch of kids and an ego, and dig the idea of getting promoted by Trump. It’s an easy trap. “I can do more good with more hits/views/likes.” But they’re all smart enough to see that the entire planet is
in on this. Nevertheless, some of them have the temerity to continue saying that this is about “getting Trump.” You’re smarter than that. This is a trap, for you and them. It won’t end well for most of them.
At least 3 of them are becoming visually distorted at this point. So, I’ll just say what they won’t, again. Ready?
Jorge Bergoglio is the False Prophet of Revelation 13:11. His job is to usher in the AntiChrist. By now I hope you see that everything is being done by dialectics and false dichotomies. So don’t look for the False Prophet to be a big fan of the AC’s at first.
No, his job is to be obvious. To destroy Christianity. To be contemnable. Openly evil. Scandalous. The ACs minions likewise will appear overtly reprehensible. Why? They want you to think there’s only 1 virtuous person on the world scene. 1 person you can trust. 1 person
Who will lay it all on the line for you. One person in the entire world. They’ll appear to hate him, so that you’ll love him. The crown jewel for Satan isn’t those lost to sin, it’s those who aren’t. Things are coming to a head.
Jesus will come on the clouds in your lifetime. Don’t put your faith in men, or give them your consent.
To be even clearer: we don’t get *total* global corruption in both the Church and every government simultaneously, on this scale, twice. That happens once. Which is why some are so desperate to conduct mental gymnastics to convince you that it’s not global & total.
Constantine ... or Palpatine?
And it continues. Next up they'll be calling the False Prophet the AntiChrist (because that's what he wants) and ... trying to crown ...
I'm literally giving you the script ahead of time. I don't say that as an invitation to feed my pride. Please don't. I say it so that you will see what's going on and take it seriously. This is not to suggest that every man in this photo is knowingly complicit.
The "McCarrick Report" that was just released seems pretty clearly designed to enhance this false dialectic.
Antipope Francis: "Let's make this REALLY obvious and then laugh at all the idiots who still don't believe Michael..." https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1326955851526107141 …
This Tweet is unavailable.Another interview by Vigano giving Trump false messianic status & abiding by the false dichotomy framework that I've laid out for you, above. Honestly, can it get any more obvious? The man is Rome's Q. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/the-great-reset-bannon-vigano-biden/ …
It's all so predictable. I warned you. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/archbishop-vigano-covid-agenda-aims-to-destroy-national-sovereignties-and-the-divine-mission-of-the-church …
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"Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda."
The Republican v. Democrat false dialectic
(Both Vigano and Taylor Marshall have used the phrase,
"Children of Light" vs. "Children of Darkness")