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Trump: The Wall, Abortion and the Lie

@JonahofNinevah, Sept. 3,2020

This is so rich ... with this one lie, he can just sit back and watch the sheep believe they're participating in a battle against evil for voting for him.

But it's a lie. Let's just pick a couple to demonstrate.

Stay with me. The best lie is at the end.

Catharine's tweet here

"Transforming the federal judiciary with the confirmations of Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS..." This is a lie. Extremely inappropriately, Kavanaugh assured Senator Collins that he would never overturn Roe because it had been confirmed by Casey. Trump knows this. 

Of course, Gorsuch made sure that you can't fire anybody if they are LGBTQRSTUV.  Welcome to #BrokebackMAGA's SCOTUS. 

"Ending taxpayer funding for new medical research using aborted baby body parts."

This one is particularly irritating.  There are aborted baby bits in the #MAGAVaxx Trump wants everybody to inject - unless it's the dna altering RNA vax.  

See thread. 4/

"Forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions is an abhorrent position that must be defeated at the ballot box."

And here is the biggest lie of them all.  Defeated at the ballot box? That's what we did last time he promised this when we elected him.  5/

He could force the issue right now.  He could prohibit any further funding of Planned Parenthood & force the issue to the SCOTUS. But, let's talk about what really happened for a minute.  

Let's talk about the wall.  

Stay with me, you'll see why it's relevant here.  

Remember how huge a controversy this was the first couple years of this debacle? Every single day there was a new controversy. Trump demanded funding. The Dems refused funding. The country divided and arguing. People fought about it. Kids in cages. Yada yada yada. Ultimately 


Ultimately it came to a head. The Dems offered Trump a deal, Trump claimed it wasn’t enough, and he shut down the govt. claiming he was trying to force them to do the right thing. It was a Yuge controversy & a jolly good show.

It was all a fraud.

I will explain.


Do you know what the govt must do to before it can build a wall on a piece of property?


67% of the border land is privately owned.

It's not the govt's. They can't build on it without buying it, or litigating to force a sale.


The 5th Amend to the Constitution has a clause that provides: "Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution that provides “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” This is called "eminent domain."


There's eminent domain litigation in every federal courthouse every business day of every year. For the govt. to take your land they either must convince you to sell it to them, or sue you. In the suit they must prove that they "need" it, which is easy & that they are


paying you "just compensation," which is essentially fair market value. That's the hard part. There are always expert witnesses involved, and the litigation takes years.

For each parcel. Years.


Everyone in Congress knows this. Every reporter on t.v. knows this (most are lawyers). Every construction developer knows this. Trump knows this. His attorneys are the best in the country. They know this.


And yet ...


NONE of them mention it. They simply skip the entire issue, pretend it doesn't exist, and make this an "emergency" to try to divide & distract this country.

Pelosi, on day 1 simply could have explained eminent domain, & that this project would take a decade. Nope.


Then we had the convenient Soros caravans of 3-4k people slowly walking toward us and making Trump massively popular.

Know what? Under Trump we have had an average of 3,800 military aged people walk across our border every day. Every day larger than a caravan.


The military could have stopped that overnight. Trump rolled them out fast for the #MAGAVaxx, but not for that, even though the SCOTUS specifically said he can.

Anyway ... I'm getting to the point.


The wall issue was utterly & completely fake. It's a psyop to distract & divide the country. That's why only a few miles have been built. Trump lies. The rest is repairing Obama fence.

So, back to Trump saying that we have to vote to defund PP...


We did that. We voted for him. Then, what he had to do was follow through - and veto any funding of planned parenthood, or simply refuse to pay it & force litigation. That would be a big fight. It would shut down the govt. Shutting down the govt is a big deal.


We hired him to fight. We thought he was sincere.

But he didn't do that. In fact, he hasn't mentioned defunding planned parenthood for years until this lie of a letter.

Instead, he shut down the govt for a bipartisan FRAUDULENT ISSUE!


He shut down the govt over literally nothing.

But didn't do a damned thing about Planned Parenthood funding.

He is a liar and a fraud, and unfortunately, he's an exceptional one.

One who is obviously supported by the very people who make us fund Planned Parenthood.


This is just one of his frauds, and there are a lot of them. There's a lot more to this, and if you don't know any of the things I just told you, there's no way you'd ever see it.

But now you do.

Washington Post

12.1 - important point here I forgot to mention - eminent domain jurisdiction belongs to Congress alone. Congress can force the litigation, fund it, and purchase the property. Not the POTUS. He doesn't have that authority.

Further update:

694 / 1954 miles of wall constructed
130 / 1016 private tracts acquired

Border Barrier Boondoggle -- Trump’s promised inexpensive, impregnable wall was anything but:
