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97. Blasphemy of Vigano

@JonahofNinevah, March 2021

There is no secular arm of the kathèkon, and Vigano knows it. Why is Vigano so desperate to invent a new heretical kathèkon? Why does Vigano have the temerity to claim the true kathèkon can "betray" God, leaving only his invented secular myth? 

This is profound blasphemy: "It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes”"

Why is Vigano desperate to convince you that the true kathèkon has "failed" when scripture says he will be "taken out of the way?"

Why is Vigano describing a prideful liar in overtly messianic tones & attempting to shoehorn him into a role divinely appointed by Himself by calling him essentially the (invented) secular restrainer, & then making it clear that he thinks Trump is *all* that's restraining?

This is theological blasphemy. 

This is a profoundly disturbing attempt to make irrelevant the true kathèkon & replace him with Trump. 

This is a clever ruse, an entire campaign dressed in an expose of truth, to manipulate emotions all for one purpose: Trump.

How dare he lie about God's plan?

How dare he manipulate Christ's sheep? 

How dare he attempt to manipulate you into thinking of this man as both kathèkon & messiah? 

I'm sorry, but I could not go before God without condemning that blasphemy, & neither should you.