From one of JonahofNinevah's threads:
LOL!! Oh man, this is the dumbest cult ever to have existed.
Here’s what Q did (thread):

If you think this is a) cherry picking or b) rare or c) new, I can tell you with God as my witness that it is none of the above. Sure, there are many who follow Q who don’t (fully) adopt this, but I spent years on the boards. The “Trump is the Messiah” thing is real and mainstream. The syncretism with Gnosticism, Freemasonry, New Ageism, and demonic “alien saviors/seeders” themes is overt.
I was there when they began. I was there when every single theory you’re seeing began
And they *always* began in an extremely clever way.
A way in which I would’ve done it myself, but, sometimes, even better.
What most of you don’t understand is that we “Anonymous” existed LONG before Q. This used to be our symbol.
We didn’t have political alliances.
We pursued truth, no matter how much it hurt, or who it hurt We pursued truth ... no matter what. We pursued truth regarding Brett Kavanaugh b4 you knew who he was. About, vaccine poison b4 you knew it was killing people, about HW Bush and why he was named “Poppy Bush” (think heroin), about why Kavanaugh helped tank the Vince Foster murder investigation, and then the impeachment investigation, and then his role in the Patriot Act, and then is role in police state activism after his reward of a 1st Cir seat, and his role with the Jesuits.
We pursued truth regarding 9/11. The real truth you’ll never hear.
He knew his audience. In 2017, real Anons were smart. VERY smart. So smart that sometimes I was intimidated.
The NSA knew who we were. So Q, at first, appealed to us. The first 4-5 months of his drops are absolutely brilliant. He spoke our language. He exposed the things we had spent years researching and putting together evidence to expose. Then, he just came out and said it. He proved he was at Trump’s elbow and he did it at our very difficult standards. We’re demanding people.
He got us. BIG TIME.
Then he dominated us and our narrative.
He first idealized us. After establishing credibility, he convinced us that Trump was here to end it all.
He even proved that Donald Trump was one of us Anons at times.
Yes, you read that correctly, Donald Trump lurked the boards.
He knew his audience.
Then, he began to polarize and weaponize.
While all this was happening, life was happening. Trump was happening.
As inconsistencies arose, the CIA/NSA/Mossad “Anons” started flooding the boards with theories.
Some of them were UNBELIEVABLY complex, which made them seem credible. Others were unbelievably stupid. The longer the psyop continued the more the Anons ignored the complex psyops and latched onto the stupid ones (JFK Jr. is alive, aliens are our progenators, Trump is a time traveler ...)
By the way ...
I was there the night the JFK, Jr thing began. An Anon came on and claimed to be him. Did a good job. Caused a frenzy. The next day, he apologized. He was messing with Anons to show the whole Q psyop was stupid. He PROVED it was him.
They didn’t care.
Because ... the stupid theories were now the game. The real Anons has already left. Too smart. They knew what was up.
I was still there trying to wake people up because I felt guilty for promoting it because I felt then as I do now:
Q is literally evil.
He’s here as a false prophet of your destruction and to usher in the AntiChrist.
I spent a couple years on the boards and here trying to warn people about this, but at this point, @cantsuicideus is right. We're screwed in the temporal sense.
The next issue is whether your soul is in jeopardy if you don't oppose it anyway.
Before Q, true Anons wanted answers to this [conspiracies about 9/11], and went to great lengths to expose the inconsistencies. Q and Trump promised answers. We never got them.
Before Q, true Anons knew that the truth in this thread meant that the MSM was under the direction of the current administration. Q and Trump convinced the world that it applied to everybody except Trump ...
I delivered this message to Q and the Anons on 8Chan. I signed it Q, but they all knew I wasn’t Q. They called me “Fake Q,” because I’d take his messages to their logical conclusion.
Anyway, this message still stands for the #QAnon cult. Break free.