There's a TON of speculating on doomsday scenarios, and how this will play out. It gets out of hand. Some hypothesizing is natural. But (literally) NONE of the info we have is reliable. When you add speculation onto unreliable information, you're making TPTB pretty happy.
And ... TPTB make this extraordinarily tempting. Ask yourself why? Cui bono?
What's worse is that when some theories are discussed enough, they end up being treated as "fact." Then, people use those "facts" as a premise to create further theories.
Using unproven "theories" as a premise to further hypothecate on an issue is a trap. You'll go mad.
Let's take an easy example. The theory that the vaxx is going to sterilize the population. Why this? Because it's a very tempting one. It seems so reasonable ...
Is it?
Who wants us to think that? How many Hollywood productions have seeded this doomsday scenario into the collective psyche (many, many, & usually associated with a vaxx). Do you want to let them control your thought? Really?
The counter to this is the claim: "They always have to show you what they do before they do it."
This "rule" that people now assume is established doctrine is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's not true. They don't. There's no "rule" about that.
People years ago could not reconcile the fact that so many evil govt operations were revealed subtly ahead of time (via Simpsons or Back to the Future or whatever), that they couldn't think of why TPTB would do this unless there was a "rule."
So, it was dubbed "Revelation of the Method."
They don't "have" to reveal anything. Once you eliminate this false "rule" then all kinds of other motivations for these disclosures become possible.
Of course, the most obvious is that they're manipulating you.
And now you've been trained to think that they have to reveal their cards before they act. So, apparent disclosures like this take on a new level of credibility, and seeded doomsday scenarios become dogma.
Am I saying the vaxx doesn't sterilize? No. I'm saying that I don't know, and neither do you. This is just one example. There are so, so many.
Participating in this futile exercise simply keeps you engaged in reading toxicity, stoking pride for occasionally being correct, and
Following their laser pointer wherever they want you to go.
There are certain things that must be researched, of course. The morality of this vaccine needed to be discussed, and we needed to do so accurately. Research was required.
Theorycrafting is different.
It's also addicting. It's not praying. It's not talking to your kids. It's not going for a walk.
It's getting your pride invested in something that might be a complete fiction, and then building more fiction on top of it.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Last, I of course am guilty of this, but it stopped (for the most part) last year.
There's so much freedom in saying "I don't know," especially because it's true.
Link (#90)