Comment made: "Liberal dreams, not news."
It doesn't matter who is saying it, it's true.
Tribalism is designed to blind us to truth or adopt lies, depending on who is the speaker.'s a terrible piece. But, whether they realize it or not, they're not wrong
Then asked, Do you have evidence to support that claim?
[Re: Kavanaugh] As much evidence as you might be able to come up w/ against Clinton - all circumstantial. He managed to sabotage the murder investigation of Vince Foster. Got on the Independent Counsel team as reward for that. During that, he 1/
insisted that Ken Star focus on sex (explicitly) instead of nat'l security. The result is that he successfully sabotaged the impeachment inquiry. He got a WH counsel spot under W for that. Which means, of course, that he was there during 9/11. He called the Patriot Act a "measured, careful, responsible, and constitutional approach..." The worst statute in our nation's history...
He was rewarded with a White House Staff Secretary job for that (2003-2006), which according to Rajesh De, former Staff Secretary to President Obama, "is the last person to review, comment on, or adjudicate differences with respect to material sent to the president, and may need to synthesize or explain differing points of view on issues of significance."
In that position, he continued his campaign in defense of warrantless wire tapping. He was rewarded for that with a 1st Cir seat, where the NWO knew he could continue to make sure that the Patriot Act remained unchallenged, and further erode the 4th Amendment. Faithful dog that he is, every single opinion he wrote favored the police state, without a single exception. Klayman v. Obama, US v. Maynard, Wesby v. DC, US v. Burnett, US v. WA, US v. Askew, US v. Spencer, etc. All Kav attempts to further erode rights, for which he was rewarded with a SCOTUS spot.
Sensing a theme yet? What are the odds that an obvious swamp rat tasked with abrogating the 4th Am his entire career and derailing investigations into the Clintons ... what are the odds that he randomly gets a seat now, when the 4th Amendment matters very, very much?
Of course, they HAD to make you think that the swamp hates the guy ... when they actually adore him.
I explain what happened here. If you don't make it to the end of the thread, you'll miss the entire point.
***** [see thread below] *****
EPIC has done some good work uncovering some things on the 4th Amendment issue.
This one fact should have disqualified him ... which is exactly why neither the Dems nor the Repubs wanted anybody asking him any real questions during the hearings.
It was a show. Stay with me on this one.
That woman, who houses CIA interns, dredges up a stupid 30 y/o allegation. They pump the controversy 24/7 and throw Allyssa Milano’s cleavage front and center of the hearings for maximum viewing.
Nobody cared about those allegations even if they were true. But they got to talk about them all summer.
And not a single person asked about his role as prosecutor in destroying the Vince Foster murder investigation, same w/ Clinton impeachment. He got rewarded for that by getting a WH counsel spot under Bush. Then he was involved in the Patriot Act. Got rewarded for that with a 1st Cir judgeship. Nobody asked him about his role in destroying the 4th & 5th Amends to build a police state.
Except for Susan Collins, privately. Then when they created enough chaos, she came out and announced that
**he said he wouldn’t**
and then they had a vote.
It was all a show. They didn’t want him getting asked real questions.
While they were all pretending to hate each other, they met behind closed doors and bipartisanly (100%) passed a huge super secret black budget, and Trump signed it.
Last ...
Nobody got in trouble for that nonsense. Except creepy porn lawyer and his “clients.” Know why? He wasn’t part of the script. He was grandstanding, so they punished him.
It was all a show.
Kavanaugh is Mr. Swampy SwampAss & he’s not pro life.
Trump knew it. Everybody did.
******* end of thread ********
For the record, I think Amy Coney Barrett seems like a very nice person. I don't believe she has an NWO agenda, like Kavanaugh & if there were 4 Thomases on the bench, she could possibly be influenced to over turn Roe. She's pro lockdown, forced #MAGAvaxx, & police state, +
Her opinions since she got passed over last time demonstrate this, which is why she got selected this time.
But, it doesn't matter at this point.
She's better than Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she's irrelevant because of Kavanaugh & Gorsuch.
So, great, appoint her, but she's being used to seduce you, but her vote will almost always be in favor of the state.
That's not conjecture, that's her published record.