@JonahofNinevah, Nov. 3, 2020
Pretty late in the game for this, but this is the only rational analysis of the current voting issue for Catholics that I have seen, and I agree with it.
Source: https://sspx.org/en/news/catholic-principles-voting-7917
Also the broken link was found on wayback:
1. This is NOT pro life. This is a pro abortion position.
2. Trump is the most pro sodomy POTUS in history.
3. So is his fake "Catholic" wife, who was introduced to Trump (hand picked?) by Epstein & Maxwell, 2 of the most evil child sex traffickers on the planet.
A message from the First Lady in support of Log Cabin Republicans #logcabinrepublicans #gaygop #lgbt #maga #trump2020
Voting for a pro abortion candidate is evil.
Voting for a pro sodomy candidate is evil.
Anybody who claims it is morally obligatory to vote at all today has lost his mind, especially considering that the opposite is likely true.
As usual, feel free to screen shot anything you like. I will stay locked until the election is over. I'm not interested in arguing with people.