I have been blocked by several members of Trad Inc for asking them if they believed that the Pope must be Catholic.
These are the men you're following.
Now these very same men are blaspheming our Lord, enjoying increased wealth, and telling you that you are putting your soul in jeopardy if you don't buy the fake Frankenpope/Biden v. God Emperor Trump/Vigano psyop brought to you by Q/Vigano/Bannon & the Beast System.
Read that 1st tweet again. It's absolutely true.
This is one thing we've always known & they've spent countless, countless hours & effort attempting to appear credible while confusing the simplest issue we know.
Who are you trusting?
Listen to the still small voice.
122. https://twitter.com/charleybrown77/status/1405670402785959945
wayback: https://web.archive.org/web/20210617030556/https://twitter.com/JonahofNinevah/status/1323453442166317058