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Convoy Conversations

Written in February 2022 by @AsTheRain1

In recent days I have encountered an elation and hopefulness among many traditional Catholics regarding the "Freedom Convoy" in Canada, and now spreading through other western countries. When I have tried to temper their enthusiasm and "pump the brakes" a bit on their reactions, because I see signs that this "movement" isn't what it is claimed to be, I get accused of being negative, pessimistic, and of quashing hope. As though pointing out that things aren't as they seem, and that evil men are doing evil deeds is a bad thing. As if allowing people to place their hope in such things is a mercy, rather than it being a mercy to point out the problem. (There is irony that this reaction comes from some sedevacantists, who themselves point out to people that the post-Vatican II "popes" are not what they seem and that evil men are doing evil things in what most people perceive to be the Catholic Church. "Don't be so negative! Let us have a little hope in our false popes." But I digress.)

I understand the emotional lift that this Trucker Strike/Protest/Convoy gives people, especially those in countries where the tyranny has been the worst. It is highly satisfying emotionally to see a group standing up and saying, "Enough!" They have brought us to this point intentionally. We are more easily manipulated, and less discerning when our emotions are leading the way. And it feels good to see people standing up for their rights and ours.

I'm not going to get into the specifics of this trucker movement or the possible outcomes, and what agenda those outcomes will support. Those are all speculative, admittedly, and people certainly can disagree. Rather, I think it will be instructive to step back and look at what has happened, what we are protesting, and what "returning to normal" means. After all, while the tactics are different, the truth is that many who oppose the current narrative, support the truckers' protest, and support non-compliance, and many who are going along with various mandates and getting jabs, are all motivated by a similar desire: to get "back to normal" as soon as possible.

But...for perspective, we need to look at the present state of the world, and the events of the last two years, from God's perspective. We know that His Providence guides all events in history. "And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good." (Romans 8:28) So we must ask, what good is God trying to bring about through all of this tyranny and evil of the past two years? For an answer, let's look at salvation history, to times when God allowed evils to befall His chosen people of Israel.

In the Old Testament, when the Israelites abused their freedom, strayed from God, and fell into sin and idolatry, God chastised them by means of suffering. Sometimes it was natural, like famine or plague, sometimes it was by means of a defeat in battle, other times He allowed them to be taken away as slaves to a conquering enemy, even for multiple generations. The people would realize that these sufferings were sent by God as a punishment for their infidelity, and they knew they must repent of their evil and turn to Him to be freed from the enslavement or other chastisement that had befallen them.

Across most of the western world, we have for centuries celebrated and defended “freedoms” that are masonic (and therefore satanic) in origin and have been condemned by the Church repeatedly: freedom of speech, press, religion. We have, as a society and individually, abused those freedoms to turn against God and His commandments. Our societies promote evil as good and good as evil. I don’t think I need to give examples, as they are numerous. Our rebellion against God’s laws accelerated into high gear once the moral authority of the Catholic Church in the world was removed through the revolution of Vatican II. We have been careening down ever deeper into a valley of immorality over the last 5+ decades.

In our present days, God has allowed us, in varying degrees, to be deprived of some of those freedoms, as well as some legitimate freedoms. But in our societies, even most people who claim the name Christian do not see this as a call to repentance and to turn back to God. They only want to “get back to normal” by which they mean to return to the freedoms which they formerly enjoyed and abused, and to a society plunged into the abyss of immorality which these abuses of freedom have wrought.

We should hope in the Lord alone, and call people to repentance in order to truly get to a “new normal” in which our nations submit to the social Kingship of Christ. Instead, many are “hoping” in a human solution which is carried out in a spirit of rebellion. Whether or not it is orchestrated by secret powers as some suspect, is less important than knowing it has nothing to do with repentance and turning to the Lord to heal our land and deliver us from evil. It is all about rebelling against those to whom God has given authority. The numerous examples of “F*** Trudeau”, “F*** Joe Biden” and their euphemisms (“Truck Trudeau”, “Let’s Go Brandon”) to be found on signs on trucks and among protesters, show which spirit animates them. God’s Holy Spirit, in contrast, commands, “the prince of thy people thou shalt not curse.” (Ex. 22:28)

A movement not based in God will fail. It may even be designed to fail and to advance the plan of Antichrist. Even if it appears to “succeed,” the result will be to accustom people to look to men rather than God to deliver them from evil. And this of course will lead to easier acceptance of Antichrist when he comes and will deceive, if possible, even the elect. Let's instead follow Psalm 117:9, “It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes.” And let’s call our fellow citizens to repentance rather than rebellion.

What does God want of us when He sends chastisements? He wants our conversion and return to Him. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way, and live." (Ezechiel 13:11) In Jeremias 27 he told the people through the prophet that if they listened to false prophets who were telling them to rebel against the king of Babylon, their punishment would be worse. But if they submitted to the yoke of Nabuchodonosor, who was His instrument for their chastisement, they would be permitted to remain in their land and would live.

And the Lord also said to King Solomon, “If I shut up heaven, and there fall no rain, or if I give orders, and command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people: And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” 2 Paralipomenon (2 Chronicles) 7:14

Our western democracies are founded upon the freemasonic (satanic) lies of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity. Our societies, built on these lies and abusing these liberties, are morally bankrupt. No rebellion, strike, or revolution will deliver us from that. We must make reparation to God and beg Him to deliver us. And our hope must be (only) in Him, that He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our Land. Come, Lord Jesus! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

Credit to Mike at the On Point Preparedness YouTube channel for several of the ideas and scripture references I used here.

See also: 

Catholic Family Podcast - On Getting Too Involved in Secular Activism

Holly and Mandy discuss their experience with the Trucker Convoy and how their initial enthusiasm changed when they discovered it wasn't centred on Christ. (7 minute mark)

I think this was a big clue for us? 
These flag and signs were a prominent feature from the beginning. One 'conservative' woman was questioned if she had any qualms about her grandchildren seeing the signs with profanity and replied that she didn't think it was a problem because it was part of the movement.