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A Pope Cannot Be a Heretic - Fr. Dominic Radecki


Recommended sermon explaining the basis of sedevacantism.

Some pull quotes:

"Some individuals feel safer if the chair of Peter is occupied by a heretic rather than letting it stand vacant but how can it be safer to follow a heretic who's not even a Catholic?"

"Why does God allow such confusion and error? He permits the current situation in the church in order that we may turn to him in prayer so we can find and follow the truth. This powerful deception - the universal apostasy - brings about the purification and perfection of the faithful. By persevering in the true Catholic faith, we can prove our love and fidelity to God."

As Fr. Martin Stepanich said "With knowledge and understanding of the true faith we can not only recognize and judge when a pope has strayed notoriously from the true faith but we have an obligation to do so and even say so, even publicly."

See also:

Fr. Stepanich's Open Letter to Atila Sinke Guimaraes (Note: Tradition in Action website posts evidence of heresies, errors and blasphemy of post-conciliar "popes" but fails to acknowledge sedevacantism)

"Where the True Catholic Faith is, that is where the True Catholic Church is to be found. And that is where you can expect eventually to find a True Catholic Pope and the True Catholic Papacy. The Catholic Faith and Catholic Papacy are inseparable.

There is no use trying to figure out where the next true Pope is going to come from or who is going to elect him. God is the One Who established His Church in the first place, and He alone is able to restore everything in the Church. He does not look to men for advice. He knows just how to proceed in His own good time.

Our Lord prepared His slow-learning Apostles gradually and carefully, over a period of 3 years, to be the leaders in His new Church, but with St. Paul He did it with lightning swiftness. Without warning, He knocked Saul off his high horse and overpowered him in a moment with a flood of His graces. And Saul the wolf suddenly became Paul the meek lamb. God can do the same to anyone who, at the moment, does not have the True Faith. Our Lord can do it either way - gradually or suddenly, with or without the help of men. He can suddenly convert one or He can convert many at one time.

With God, nothing is impossible."