Remain faithful to the only Faith taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, the Faith of always which cannot change;
Remain faithful to the only sacraments of Our Lord Jesus Christ, those given by the Holy Church for 2000 years;
Remain faithful to the catechisms of the Holy Church, to the teachings of the Catholic popes, to the teachings of the saints of all time;
Remain faithful to the Blessed Virgin Mary, taking care to be in TRUE devotion, avoiding the seven false devotions pointed out by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort;
Remain faithful in everything, change nothing, refuse all novelties, refuse everything in Vatican II, refuse its false popes, its false bishops, its false priests, its false sacraments, its catechisms, its erroneous teachings.
The Religion instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ cannot change. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary will triumph one day soon, error will be crushed, the Truth will always prevail.
Father Joseph Vérité (1919-2010)
Born on September 15, 1919 in Nantes, Father Joseph Vérité entered the Minor Seminary of Guérande at the age of 12, was ordained a priest in 1945. A tireless preacher of retreats according to the method of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola for 40 years, he entered his eternity on August 26, 2010, three weeks before his 92nd birthday, after having always remained faithful to the Mass of his ordination.