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Letter from Fr. Pierre Roy


« Non enim dedit nobis Deus spiritum timoris: sed virtutis, et dilectionis, et sobrietatis. »

2 Tim. 1, 7

« For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of sobriety. »

2 Tim. 1, 7


Dear Faithful,

We are very much alone in front of certain decisions engaging our eternity and the salvation of our brethren… And yet, sometimes these decisions must be taken and we cannot do anything to escape them, forced as we are by the circumstances in which the Lord has put us.

             More than seven years have passed since my departure from the SSPX and my letter explaining the motives of this departure. As you can understand, I was then facing a very difficult decision, an unprecedented turning point in my existence which was up to then quite peaceful. Thanks be to God, I am happy today of the decision I have made then and I have no regrets other than to have taken that step very late, given the doctrinal compromises I was exposed to.

             I find myself today in front of a similar turning point. As you have learned, Bishop Ribeiro da Silva has taken the decision to consecrate Father Altamira a bishop for Columbia and myself for Canada. This decision has obviously been considered for a long time, more than a year and a half, in the worldwide situation that we were facing. In spite of these objective circumstances which have put us in a situation in which we were deprived of the help of a bishop for a long time, and the real risk for this situation to come back for even a longer time, some could think that this decision of Bishop Ribeiro da Silva is imprudent or not necessary. It is to clarify the reasons of that decision that I am writing this letter to you today.

 Allow me to remind you first that we are at war against the false Church of Vatican II which continues its work of destruction all over the world. As you know, my ministry expands on an immense territory, more than 1900kms, and I must take care of many souls dispersed throughout six provinces of Canada. On this immense territory, modernists are the masters and they care only to put into practice the commands of apostate Rome. Would it not be vain and illusory to say we are fighting against their evil influence, without giving ourselves the means to face them? The presence of at least one truly Catholic bishop seems necessary to this battle against the false Church in our country, to anyone who is conscious of the gravity of the present situation. « My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth. » I Jo III, 18

 Bishop da Silva has called to mind the circumstances through which we have lived these last few years. I will not come back on them. We are very thankful that he came to help us.

 And yet, when Bishop da Silva travelled to our country, his presence did not allow him to reach all the Faithful who were in need of the sacraments. How indeed could we ask him to travel everywhere in the immense territory that I myself have difficulty to travel through every six weeks and even less often for certain places? In spite of his generosity in coming from Brazil all the way to us back and forth, we were only able to organize the ceremony of Confirmation in Moncton and Lévis. This nevertheless requested of him a fourteen-hour drive, after an already exhausting trip from Brazil to Canada. Some Faithful, a little bit everywhere, unable to travel, have not been able to receive the sacraments which their heart desired and their soul needed. This is without saying that it is now every month that new people are joining us and are in need of the same spiritual graces. Bishop da Silva does not want to risk us being left again without the Sacraments for an extended period of time. It is in these circumstances that he asked me to take upon myself a part of the burden and that I have accepted, not without hesitating a long time, knowing perfectly that I was exposing myself to the wrath of the sea.

 I have no doubt that some people will be somewhat challenged by this decision taken by Bishop da Silva and that we have accepted, but we cannot take into account their hesitations. Heaven has taken care of us in a wonderful manner up to now. But a shepherd is one who sees the dangers coming and does not fly away. « And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep. » (John 10, 13) The love I have for my flock obliges me against my own volition to put aside my fears and to take upon myself the yoke of the Lord.

 As you well know, I have received some young men to live the religious life with us and even to prepare them for the Holy Priesthood if it is God’s will. The life of these young men is precious and we cannot receive them with us without having the moral certainty they will be able to go through the steps of their vocation. The presence of a bishop seems absolutely necessary to be just toward these young men, unless we resolve ourselves to not build anything serious and to wait for the disappearance of the only priest we have, to reduce to ashes all the good work accomplished at the price of so many sacrifices on the part of each one. I find myself indeed in front of a dilemma: abandon all will to form priests to take care of your souls on the one hand, or accept the request of Bishop da Silva.

 To conclude, dear Faithful, allow me to remind you that this decision is in line with everything we have done in the last seven years. Having seen clearly the compromises of the SSPX, which have since become worse, we have entrusted our souls to God and have navigated alone in the high sea, confident in the help of the Lord. « Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. Our help is in the name of the Lord. » It is now time to insure the perennity of Our Lady of Joy Mission and we cannot back up after so many signs of His blessing have been given us by the Lord.

             If I had any doubt that the Church of Vatican II is the Church established by Our Lord Jesus Christ, never would I have the audacity to receive episcopal consecration against the will of that Church. Having before our eyes the evidence that Rome has fallen into apostasy, not only do we have the right, but we have the duty to fight against this apostasy with all the means the Lord puts at our disposal. Circumstances are obviously exceptional, I am aware of it. My most sincere desire will be to be able to put my episcopacy in the hands of a true Sovereign Pontiff as soon as it will be possible, and I am certain Bishop da Silva is inhabited by the same desire.

 You have received with joy the visit of Bishop da Silva. You have submitted to his spiritual authority by receiving from his hands the sacrament of Confirmation. You have entrusted your souls to him with happiness. Bishop da Silva, after mature reflection, has deemed necessary to make this one more step to insure we in Canada would be able to receive the Sacraments and we are very thankful for that. Please receive his decision with the same Faith and readiness as you have received him. Pray for me. I will be all the more severely judged by God that I will have been elevated higher in His Church. But the Church of Christ cannot survive without pastors and I would not want, that out of timidity, worries or fear of the attacks we will undergo from everywhere, She be left without pastors and that the sheep continue to be dispersed by devouring wolves.

 May God bless you all!

Father Pierre Roy

Serve ye the Lord with gladness!

(Posting here. Received by email November 17, 2023)

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