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Fr. Jenkins: The Evils of Trump


"I think they're all part of it either knowingly or unknowingly, they serve a purpose [...] when they really are a threat they are eliminated [...] you know all of this lawfare against Donald Trump if they really thought he was a serious threat they wouldn't need to be doing all this, they wouldn't need to be lionizing him in the eyes of the people and making him appear to be the Great White Hope." 

"When Our Lady came, her program wasn't about electing the right people, she said stop offending God. [...] I mean if you have two men who are vying for presidency and they're all supporting sins that cry to heaven for vengeance you know what hope do you have really? What hope are you even giving yourself? Now the solution is what our lady said - it remains the only solution - we have to stop offending God by sin, we have to condemn evil for what it is, we have to love the sinner enough to try to prevent the sinner from going to hell. In other words, we have to love the sinner as much as the little children of Fatima did when they made their penances..."

"I think it's time where Catholic men have to step up..."