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Contempt and the Crown, a sermon by Bishop Daniel Dolan

Sermon on the Third Sorrowful Mystery - the Crowning of Thorns 

"Christ is still being crowned with thorns in His head and in His members. He is crowned with contempt for His kingship, for His Commandments, for His Church, for the unchangeable natural law written upon the heart of every man, contempt for Truth itself. You, you are the members of Christ's body. You too are treated contumeliously and with contempt.They lie to us year after year and election after election. The head is crowned with thorns as it were as if to block us and keep us from using the reasoning process Almighty God gave us and thus we in the crowd are cajoled to go along, obligated we feel to play our part in this mockery, in this ritual crowning of thorns.... 

The great enemies of the Kingship of Christ, of the order and the peace He alone can bring to the world, are the organized forces of naturalism. Fr. Fahey explains it to us, who are they? They are the Jewish nation and they are the secret societies, the masons.

[...] We look to the state to solve our every problem and we give over everything we have to this burgeoning bureaucracy - our money and our liberty and our honour and even our Immortal souls. These principles are opposed to Christ the King and they always have been, never mind the revolution which promoted them...

Every one of our politicians and every single major means of the media, the newspapers and the magazines and television and radio were bought and paid for a long time ago ...surely come now, this is only common sense. The organized forces of naturalism - they tell them what to say and what to do and they would dearly like you to take them seriously.

[The Republicans] are bought, they're paid for, my dear friends, the way you were purchased and paid for by Christ and by His Blood. The way they belong to them is the way we ought to belong, head as well as heart and knees to our King. Jesus is crowned with thorns and treated with contempt by lies, the same lies that they trot out every four years, kind of like a plastic bone it's covered with dirt, they dust it off and throw it out again and how many will jump and consider themselves well pleased and honored in the process. For a long time now they haven't had to come up with a new bone because if you want to energize the base as they cynically say you dust off the pro-life bone and you cast it in the backyard watch the dogs go after it..."

[...] You take part in the ritual mockery of Christ the King which we call an election. Contempt is what the organized forces of naturalism show year after year for Christ whom they crown with thorns, piercing thorns in his head but also in his members. Contempt is what we must show this world in return. Steel yourself. For God's sake, turn off that television set or is it already too late for your brains and your souls and get down on your knees. And you pray that decade over and over again of the third sorrowful mystery until the clouds part and you see things as truly they are lest you should end up bending your knee to some potential Antichrist already in our midst.

We have no king but Caesar? 

May Christ our King have mercy on us.