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"Not a Stone Upon a Stone", sermon by Fr. Stephen McKenna


Please listen to full sermon, here's an excerpt:

"It is easy for us now to see that all these problems are around us, and we look for some sort of figure to come and aid us, a man to stand up amongst men and to be counted as leader, to be looked upon as some sort of secular savior. But it is folly for us to place our hope in that end. It is not to say that man cannot do good. But it is to say that we miss the picture when we think of it as humanly created by itself, and God's Hand has nothing to do with it, that Providence has no oversight in its reality. Because when we look at it in a truly open-eyed reality, we see that the very people that are the cause of the problems, they fulfill what has already been told to us by heaven. 

Where do the errors come from? They are from those of the Bolshevik revolution, spread far and wide, and whose masters, both those who claim to have power in the Church, and those who possess it in our country, still go to bow their heads and touch a wall of stone to give their honor to, and to recognize as their masters to serve. 

[...] Instead to find the solution, and to find the good to be done, it is to that Heavenly Kingdom, that greater reality, that we look. To know that Our Lady had come and visited and told us exactly how we are to do the most good for any of our societies, church or world or country, and also for the benefit of ourselves. It comes through our prayers. It comes by way of making sacrifices. It comes by way of realizing what we are truly striving after, and never losing sight of that all important eternal truth. To focus on that ultimate aim and to make it the priority of our days, to maintain true hope in our souls,  which is the hope in the truth of Almighty God and His promises. 

Does He promise peace? No, not necessarily. 

Does He promise prosperity? Certainly not. 

Does He promise ease of life? Not at all. 

But He does promise eternal salvation to us who are faithful and love and serve Him all our days: the ultimate good, the highest of realities, and the goal which we must keep before us always."

"Put not your trust in princes. In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation." 

Psalm 145:3-4