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Qanon psyop: anti-Christian, used porn and graphic images



Q started on 4chan then went to 8chan where they set up his own board. One of the "traditions" was to say "thank you," by posting photos of nude women. 8Chan is intentionally user modifiable, so I wrote a code that blocked all images unless I clicked them.

The message board was a free flowing thing that "filled up" at around 800 posts, then they would start a new one, and call it "fresh bread." Over time, the nudes got worse. Then nudes turned to porn. It would happen at the top of every "bread," and as thank you to good posts 

Keep in mind that it was common knowledge that CIA/Mossad/FBI, etc, trolled the boards. This should be especially clear now, as it's obvious even to passively interested that Q is a govt psyop. Also keep in mind that the sprinkling of these images into the minds of "truthers" 

throughout the day, all day, every day, effectively kept them out of the state of grace. If you're not guided by the Holy Ghost, you're easily manipulated. If you fall to these type of sins in particular, your *emotions* are easily manipulated, & your wits are dulled. 

In other words, porn makes you stupid and pliable.  But that's only the beginning of the evil ploy. Occasionally, the boards would get absolutely bombarded by gruesome images for a couple hours.  Q would suggest it was some sort of attack from Mossad or CIA. Horrible stuff 

Pictures of murdered people, farm injuries, people being beheaded, and the like.  

And, as the page scrolled, the nudes & porn continued. So you'd have lust, death, beauty, horror, blood, murder, lust, etc.  And on and on.  

Eventually (I could tell by reactions) they began posting images that contained all of those things at once.  Death, sex, beauty, & horror all in a photo.

Of course, this solicited rage, but it also solicited curiosity, and feeling things simultaneously that shouldn't be.

And then they started with worse. I didn't view the images, but I know what they were.  

So, one can plainly see that the establishment has spent several years attempting to weaponize anons in more ways than one.  

I believe there's a very good reason some of them seem insane.  

They have demons. I watched it happen.

That's exactly what it is. The irony of it all is that you'd have thousands and thousands of Anons researching the origins and methods of trauma based mind control, and yet they couldn't see that they were an enormous MKUltra lab.

It's also grooming of a particular type of criminal. 

I often wonder how many Anons have become what they set out to expose.

Keep this in mind the next time someone tries to tell you that Q brings "truth" and "love & light" and "is Christian" and wants people to "think for themselves." 

They chose those boards for a reason. They're breaking minds, hiding truth, & bringing darkness. 


Bona Fides:

Read more on Q: a demonic psyop
