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Septima Buccina: The SCOTUS is a Sham, But Don’t Assume They Won’t Overturn Roe

To be precise, 8 Supreme Court Justices are either enthusiastic agents of the shadowy Rev 2:9/3:9 globalist empire, or they’re unenthusiastic agents.

I honestly have no idea how Clarence Thomas got into the mix. Perhaps, they simply allowed him to give us the illusion of chance. I don’t know.

But make no mistake, Trump’s appointees are some of the worst of the 9. I have set forth my justification for this statement extensively, many times.

Let me tell you, there are few things that will make a man more bitterly pessimistic against the integrity of mankind than constantly getting calumniating for daring to question supposedly conservative people’s sacred cows … only to find them trying to gain followers 5 years later by saying the exact same things you said, when it wasn’t popular.

Apologies are in order, but they’ll never come.

Nevertheless … regardless of how obvious it is that the SCOTUS is owned by Tiny Hat, Inc., I wouldn’t be overly confident in their actions regarding Roe v. Wade.

In fact, I’d put the odds at 50/50 that they’ll overturn Roe. Please stop right there – I’m not making a prediction. I literally just said 50/50 … moving on.

I think it is at least possible that they’ll write an opinion invalidating Roe (to some extent). Why? For two primary reasons.

1. Ordo ab chao – the Talmudic Freemasons want profound chaos within the next 2 years, so that it will be easier for folks to welcome order via the orange iron fist. Overturning Roe will allow the satanists to foment chaos amongst the lunatics, the idiots, and the demonically oppressed.

And 2) it will cost them very little by way of child sacrifices. The vast majority of states will enact legislation virtually overnight making it legal to sacrifice babies to Moloch.

Or … they won’t, and Tiny Hat Inc will have Congress write a federal statute, with more disastrous effect.

Last, why would the SCOTUS protect child murder for 48 years, and then suddenly cease to do so?

That seems to me to be the right question to ask. It, too, has a clear answer – but only if you’re the type of person who understands the extreme damage that living in the extraordinary level of global mortal sin causes to society.

The answer, in short, is that they no longer need to protect it judicially. You see, this country was undeniably opposed to abortion when 5 REPUBLICAN justices forced it upon us in 1973. Then, in 1992, the majority of this country was still pro life when three REPUBLICAN justices wrote the plurality opinion upholding Roe.

But, that is no longer the case. Vatican II and its effete heretic bishops have succeeded in lulling the world into cowardice, complacency, fear of embarrassment, and laziness.

So, they can pretend that abortion might become illegal to aggravate the demonically oppressed among us to foment chaos, without any real fear of losing their child sacrifices.

In any event, my point is this, some false victories are bound to be baked into the pie. But, if you know the state of affairs, they won't confuse you.

The state of affairs is this: The Covenant With Many is confirmed. It’s manifestly obvious. The AntiChrist is ruling. Any political victories from this point forward are simply a tool to increase chaos.

We will be victorious in the Cross, and nothing else, until Our Lord sends witnesses.

Call me a negative Nancy if you like, but you’ll be rejecting scripture if you do.

From @JonahofNinevah

See related: 

SCOTUS: The problematic choices of Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and ACB