"It is clear for most people today, that what most of them call “The Catholic Church” is as a matter of fact greatly divided and going through a crisis, in matters of faith, morals, and discipline. For many, this has become evident particularly during the rule of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Scandals have arisen in the matters of morals, with the acceptance and push…
Read moreFound through wayback machine from Traditional Catholic Sermons Listen here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230325082020/http://www.traditionalcatholicsermons.org/wordpress/audio?link=http://traditionalcatholicsermons.org/MiscArchives/FrX_RetreatPartIII_04-06-73.mp3
Read more« Non enim dedit nobis Deus spiritum timoris: sed virtutis, et dilectionis, et sobrietatis. » 2 Tim. 1, 7 « For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of sobriety. » 2 Tim. 1, 7 Dear Faithful, We are very much alone in front of certain decisions engaging our eternity and the salvation of our brethren… And yet, sometim…
Read moreAfter each day's meditation and prayer, recite the 'Prayer to Our Suffering Savior for the Souls in Purgatory', followed by one 'Our Father' and 'Hail Mary'. Prayer to our Suffering Savior for the Souls in Purgatory “O most sweet Jesus, through the bloody sweat which Thou didst suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on these Blesse…
Read more"The confusion among Catholics caused by Vatican II is based primarily on the fact that many people know that the teachings of the Second Vatican Council are heretical and the New Mass is invalid. Many of the faithful know that the Council formed a New Church, that is not the Catholic religion established by Jesus Christ and perpetuated by the Apostles and thei…
Read more"Through meditating upon the sorrows of Mary, upon the sufferings of her Immaculate Heart, we can come to understand how much she loves her Divine Son and therefore how much she loves us, her spiritual children. [...] As the King of martyrs was nailed to the cross offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins, so the Queen of martyrs stood at the foot of the c…
Read moreGiven how these "conservative" prelates continue to be in the news, it's worth revisiting this article from 2019 by Bishop Sanborn: "[Burke and Schneider] are trying to save the Vatican II religion and its heresy-promulgating hierarchy by diminishing the authority of the pope, and by suggesting that issuing “corrections” will suffice to ensure th…
Read moreGod hath made all things for Himself- - Prov. 16:4 We are all of us jealous of what belongs to ourselves. We resent it if any one interferes with it, or deprives us of any portion of it. Yet no one owns anything by a title so absolute as that by which God is the Lord and owner of all creatures in the universe. My body and my soul are His; everything I possess is Hi…
Read more"We all know the story of the destruction of wicked Sodom: how two Angels were sent to save Lot who lived there; and how eager they showed themselves on their charitable errand. "And the Angels pressed Lot, saying: Arise, save thy life; look not back, but save thyself in the mountains. ... And as he lingered, they took his hand, saying: Make haste and be sa…
Read more"The martyrdom of Mary was longer than that of all the martyrs The martyrdom of Mary was greater than that of all the martyrs The martyrdom of Mary was never equaled The martyrdom of Mary was without relief" - St. Alphonsus Liguori First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon In this valley of tears, every man is born to weep, and every one must suffer those affli…
Read more1. The voice of Jesus .-----My Child, if thou wilt enter into the intimacy of My Heart, and taste the unutterable sweetness of Its intercourse, cleanse thy heart from every evil. For I, thy Well-beloved, am pure and stainless, I delight Myself among the lilies. How could there exist a union betwixt My Heart and thine, unless thou hadst carefully purified it? For who…
Read more1. The voice of Jesus .-----My Child, all thy perfection consists in thy resemblance to My Divine Heart. For My Heart, which is the Heart of the Word of God, is the standard of all virtues, is holiness itself. Whoever, therefore, imitates my Heart, imitates God, his Saviour, perfection itself. Now, since My Heart is the model of sanctity and the source of every grac…
Read more1. The voice of Jesus .-----My Child, thou art created for happiness. This experience affirms, this reason proves, this faith teaches. Thou seekest incessantly for happiness, and thou dost well. But leave off seeking thy happiness in things created; in them thou shalt not find it. No object of this world can satisfy the longings of thy heart; even shouldst thou alo…
Read more1. The voice of Jesus .-----My Child, one thing above all others is necessary, to save thy soul. For if she is lost, all is lost; but if she is saved, all else is saved. Yet, thou shalt not attain thy eternal salvation, if thou do not imitate My Heart. For those whom God did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son. Which is this …
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