"As the Immaculate Conception was the instrument of the Incarnation, so will she be of the Redemption. God will use her to reestablish purity and innocence in the human race. We thus go to her to receive a grace from Christ the Redeemer as naturally as we would go to her in order to ask to hold the Christ Child in Bethlehem." (23 min mark)
Read more‘On this the Day which the Lord hath made,’ says St Gregory of Nyssa, ‘darkness decreases, light increases, and Night is driven back again. No, brethren, it is not by chance, nor by any created will, that this natural change begins on the day when he shows himself in the brightness of his coming, which is the spiritual Life of the world. It is Nature revealing, under…
Read moreEternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. "You can now see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears, the poisonous modernist heresies of Vatican II, incarnate in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. As such, he is no mere bad dad with an unused “infallible” stamp in his back pocket — still less, the Vicar of Christ. He is the Vicar of the Devil. And no one sh…
Read moreFrom Dom Prosper Gueranger's 'The Liturgical Year': Let us celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary; let us adore her Son, Christ our Lord. Such is the invitation addressed to us today by the Church. Let us hearken to her call; let us enter into her overflowing joy. The Bridegroom is at hand, for his throne is now set up on earth; yet a little while, …
Read moreFrom previous thread of JonahofNinevah: It would be pretty smart of God to develop an army of indefatigable humble nobodies who, for years misplaced trust, and were betrayed and deceived by everybody they trusted to speak the truth - all while becoming refined, learning how to learn for themselves, and growing close to Him. To develop a kernel. A remnant. A small sec…
Read morePosting this link here as a reference because it can only be accessed through archive's wayback machine and I keep having to search for the link: https://web.archive.org/web/20210206182532/https://romeward.com/articles Listed is one of my favourite articles to explain the situation in the church: >> The Impossible Crisis
Read morePlease listen to full sermon, here's an excerpt: "It is easy for us now to see that all these problems are around us, and we look for some sort of figure to come and aid us, a man to stand up amongst men and to be counted as leader, to be looked upon as some sort of secular savior. But it is folly for us to place our hope in that end. It is not to say that…
Read more"And God said: Let the earth bring forth the green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, which may have seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so done." Genesis 1:11 From description: I Filmed Plants For 15 years | Time-lapse Compilation 5583 days (15,3 years) of growing in total
Read more"Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the Eucharist. That’s why it uses the same holy words, “This is my body,” with the blasphemous opposite meaning." Peter Kreeft "Most pro-life president"??
Read moreSermon on the Third Sorrowful Mystery - the Crowning of Thorns "Christ is still being crowned with thorns in His head and in His members. He is crowned with contempt for His kingship, for His Commandments, for His C hurch, for the unchangeable natural law written upon the heart of every man, contempt for Truth itself. Y ou, you are the members of Christ&…
Read moreTHE MYSTERY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD "SALVATION! What music is there in that word - music that never tires but is always new, that always rouses yet always rests us! It holds in itself all that our hearts would say. It is sweet vigor to us in the morning, and in the evening it is contented peace. It is a song that is always singing itself deep down in the delight…
Read more"If the theology behind the Mass of Paul VI is substantially different — if it does not, in a word, reflect Catholic doctrine — the practical consequences are obvious. A Catholic cannot merely prefer the old rite to the new; he must also reject the new rite in its entirety. The faith obliges him to do so." Fr. Anthony Cekada The book can be purchased at S…
Read more"Ah! if we have reason to pity God, if we may dare so to speak with St. Alphonsus, because men sin against His loving Majesty, still more reason have we to do so when we see how scanty and how cold are the thanksgivings offered up to Him. Nothing is so odious among men as ingratitude; yet it is the daily and hourly portion of Almighty God. There is no telling wh…
Read moreRoe v. Wade was overturned on June 24,2022 Coincidence? It was the feast of St. John the Baptist. Were you aware that he is celebrated by freemasons? See: Wikipedia It also was the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that year. Note some "influencers" were eager to connect it and/or give credit to Trump. Another case in point, a Novus Ordo deacon in the…
Read moreGod's Providence Will Provide by Fr. Demaris Professor of Theology Missionary of St. Joseph, at Lyon, France 1801 Editor's preface: "During the French Revolution very many bishops and priests were martyred for their faith as were many outstanding laymen also martyred. Church property was seized by the Masonic government. That left the people without thei…
Read more"I think they're all part of it either knowingly or unknowingly, they serve a purpose [...] when they really are a threat they are eliminated [...] you know all of this lawfare against Donald Trump if they really thought he was a serious threat they wouldn't need to be doing all this, they wouldn't need to be lionizing him in the eyes of the people…
Read moreFrom Dom Prosper Gueranger's The Liturgical Year : "...It was on the 27th of January, in the year 1281, in the Benedictine Monastery of Helfta, near Eisleben, in Saxony, that our Divine Lord first revealed these ineffable secrets to one of the community of that house, whose name was Gertrude. She was then twenty years of age. The Spirit of God came upon her,…
Read moreExcerpt from Fr. Faber's book "All for Jesus" (Ch.5 - The Riches of Our Poverty) "If we are in earnest about our souls, with a quiet fidelity to those duties, practices, and devotions, which obedience sanctions to us, our love of God increases without our knowing or feeling it. It is only now and then, in certain temptations, or on great feasts, or…
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